Making Jopling Great, on Linux

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Making Joplin Desktp easy to use on linux using Ansible

Joplin is a note-taking app that uses markdown. It is one of the few note-taking apps that works on all operating system and has a dark mode.

Installing it on Linux is a bit harder than it might initially seem depending on your distro. Being a Debian user myself I met a couple of problems and I would like to share my solution and an ansible script that automates it all.

The Ansible role can be found in my github. The directory structure looks like this:

├── tasks
│   └── main.yaml
└── templates
    └── JoplinDesktop.desktop

2 directories, 2 files

The role downloads the Joplin app image and creates a desktop entry called JoplinDesktop that runs the binary with –no–sandbox.